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LAUSD contracts Paper to provide free tutoring for ALL K-6 and K-8 SPAN students



Learn about Paper


With access to Paper, your students can choose when and where they access extra help. What's more, your teachers can feel confident that they have the tools to give students more autonomy- all while gathering valuable insights to refine instruction. 




  • How to navigate the Paper platform (English)

Paper Feature Spotlight


Introduce Paper to your district community in 2 easy steps

Email your families

Provide families with information about Paper. You can also share this slide deck (English) at upcoming parent and family events.
Update your website

Add Paper to your school website to ensure students, staff, and families have access to Paper.

Request 1:1 Paper support for your school

You can ask for a Paper representative to visit your school and help with onboarding your students. 

Onsite meeting request form