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Student Safety at Paper

While using Paper, students share both academic and non-academic content with tutors. These shared experiences create meaningful learning interactions. However, some content is concerning and can indicate risk to health or safety, or be a violation of Paper’s Student Code of Conduct.

  • Student Code of Conduct


    Paper utilizes a Student Code of Conduct (”Code”) to set clear expectations for responsible student behavior. We ask that each student review the Code prior to utilizing Paper support. The Code is a resource. Creating a safe and respectful learning environment will require effort from all students, tutors, district partners, and teams at Paper.

    Student Rights & Responsibilities:



    Suspension Guidelines:

    Students can be suspended from the Paper platform for inappropriate behavior and severe student misconduct. District contacts will be notified of any student suspensions. Suspensions may be extended depending on severity. Students and district contacts can request reasoning for any extended suspensions. Student suspensions may be implemented at the request of the district as well.

    Student Suspension Appeal Process:

    District staff should review suspensions and contact Student Health & Safety ( if they would like the decision reconsidered. Student suspensions may also be lifted if the student engages in the Early Return Program.

  • Student Safety & Security


    At Paper, we know the best health & safety support systems for students are in their own communities. Parents, guardians, and school officials have a deeper knowledge of their students and access to local resources. With that in mind, Paper has established multiple avenues to alert school officials of behavior that could indicate a risk to a student’s well-being.


    Addressing Concerning Content:

    When presented with concerning content, our tutors know to alert support teams and seek additional assistance if needed. The department of Student Health & Safety provides support in the moment, reviews the content, and notifies the district.

    Emergency Contacts:

    Paper notifies districts of concerning content and other student incidents using district-appointed Emergency Contacts (”Contacts”). These contacts can alert local support and establish needed resources for resolution. Depending on the content, Paper may contact law enforcement for additional support.


    Student Safety & Beyond:

    Paper will continue to expand support for students and our partner districts. To further our pursuit of providing outstanding support, we’d love to hear from our partners and future partners! Feel free to connect with the Department of Student Heath & Safety (