Over 1.5 school years' worth of tutoring delivered in 1 month at Paramount USD
“I’ve seen what kids are getting help with. It’s highly personalized. It’s pretty amazing.”
— Dr. Ryan Smith, Assistant Superintendent, Paramount Unified School District, California
— Dr. Ryan Smith, Assistant Superintendent, Paramount Unified School District, California
Providing extra help exactly where, when, and how students need it
On-demand 1:1 academic support lightens the load on teachers and families, benefitting the whole community.
The dilemma
Students needed personalized extra help during early mornings, evenings and weekends—in English and Spanish—but staffing appropriate teachers during those times was difficult. And when Covid came, the challenges of providing academic support were magnified 20x.
The solution
The City of Paramount saw academic support as a way to uplift the whole community, so they partnered with the district to provide every student with Paper’s 24/7, 1:1 homework help, writing feedback and study support across 200 subject areas.
The takeaway
The impact across the community was immediate. Students took advantage of thousands of hours of additional support at all hours of the day and night, setting them up for gains in writing, math and other subject areas. Teachers’ workload was lightened and parents’ stress reduced.
About the student population
Paramount USD serves a diverse community of 54,000 residents in Paramount, CA.
Enrollment | English Learners | Socioeconomically disadvantaged |
14,000 K-12 students |
25.8% |
94.7% - |