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How did Greenfield High School provide on-demand, 24/7 academic support in both English and Spanish?

Watch: Janet Matos, the Principal of Greenfield High School, discusses successfully serving the needs of students for whom English is a second, or even a third, language


To support college and career readiness, CA’s South Monterey JUHSD chooses 24/7 educational support

Academic support increases engagement and promotes college and career readiness

Every student now has access to homework help, writing feedback, and enrichment programming on demand, 24/7—in both English and Spanish

The dilemma

Many students in the district had after-school responsibilities, from childcare to paid work. As a result, traditional, site-specific after-school help couldn’t reach the students who needed it most.

The solution

Greenfield High School sought a solution that would support its diverse set of learners—including feedback on students’ writing. The ability to provide academic help in Spanish was key, as well as 24/7 online access.

The takeaway

Adoption rates of Paper have been particularly high, with well over two tutor interactions per student. In addition to students, teachers—especially those who assign essays—have benefited from the services of Paper’s Review Center.

About the Greenfield High School student population

  Enrollment English Learners Socioeconomically








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