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24/7 educational support for Pasadena USD

Watch: Administrators and educators discuss how 24/7 educational support is enhancing learning in significant and measurable ways.


Students using Paper™ made greater progress toward learning goals, according to Pasadena USD data analysis

The dilemma

In a community with wide differences in socioeconomic conditions, Pasadena USD wanted to provide a more equal footing to all its students—including access to academic help beyond the classroom. However, for a variety of reasons, traditional after-school programs were often inaccessible to students who needed support the most.

Limited access to academic help at Pasadena USD
How Paper supports Pasadena USD with 24/7 educational support



Paper, which provides 24/7 access to educational support, met the district’s goal of delivering anytime, anywhere access to learning. Paper’s methodology also aligned with the district’s commitment to student-centered learning.


Implementation and rollout


In addition to an easy implementation path, Paper provided a wide range of customizable marketing resources, from flyers to pre-packaged social media campaigns. The Paper team also worked directly with teachers to embed Paper into the classroom.


Pasadena USD leveraged Paper's marketing resources for rollout
How did Paper provide value at Pasadena USD?

Paper in action


By providing highly personalized, just-in-time learning moments, Paper has helped enhance student motivation and contribute to better-than-expected academic outcomes.



The impact


In an analysis comparing the progress made by students who used Paper versus those students who did not, the district found that the students who used Paper had significantly higher growth towards their goals.


More than 7,800 learning moments with Paper

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