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K-12 leadership guide: 8 priorities for 2023


Access the K–12 Leadership Guide

What’s in the ebook?

  • Eight educational priorities for the 2023 school year—each being ESSER-aligned, evidence-based, and equity-first.
  • Insights and stories from conversations with over 100 district leaders and educators nationwide.
  • Data and evidence-based interventions from industry-leading organizations, including Brown University’s National Student Support Accelerator, Learning Policy Institute, and EdWeek Research Center.
  • Additional approaches that can help inform districts’ strategic plans—from up-and-coming instructional methods to ways to create strong community ties.


What's it about?

Being at the forefront of education involves more than ensuring students get top marks, learn in state-of-the-art facilities, or achieve their college or career dreams. In fact, it’s also about how nimbly your district can evaluate progress, pivot, and embrace sweeping change. 

To help you navigate an ever-shifting learning landscape, Paper gathered insights on the strategies district leaders know work well—and what still needs shoring up. In this ebook, we’ve compiled these examples from the education field along with additional data, research, and strategy advice for those working to create a brighter future in K-12. Let’s dive in.


Access the K–12 Leadership Guide

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