Multi-tiered systems of support
Multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) take a systemic approach to ensuring that students continue to make academic progress. Paper supports students along the entire continuum of instruction, building a foundation for lifelong learning and achievement.
A Strong Instructional Core
While it is essential to identify effective targeted and intensive interventions, the foundation of an effective MTSS framework is a strong instructional core. Though tutoring has long been a Tier 2/3 intervention strategy, 2020 research supporting the efficacy of High Dosage Tutoring led a large number of school districts to expand tutoring services as a universally available intervention at every tier. The strategy uses high quality tutoring at scale to help reinforce core instruction and ensure that as many students as possible are successful at Tier 1.
Layered Supports
The ideal MTSS model allows students to fluidly access supports from across the continuum as needed to support progress. Tutoring is an important first layer of support that can support student progress at every level. Paper provides unlimited, individualized tutoring across all content areas and grade levels that can be delivered in any frequency or duration a student requires. This flexibility allows Paper to adapt to the support that students need at every point along their learning journey.
Paper supports students at every tier
However you define your MTSS model, Paper’s unlimited, flexible tutoring platform is designed to be a layer of support for students across the instructional continuum—helping reinforce your instructional core.
Data-Based Decision Making & Problem Solving
Knowing that some students will have needs that Tier 1 instruction does not meet effectively, teachers rely on data to understand student needs and identify appropriate interventions. When students participate in tutoring regularly, it can be a source of valuable insight into student progress and opportunities for additional interventions.
Paper’s teacher dashboard—which includes access to transcripts of every tutoring session—helps teachers identify where specific students are struggling with concepts or have gaps in skills and understanding.
Continuous Improvement
Administrators play a critical role in helping ensure instructional quality and effectiveness. Paper provides administrators with data that helps them understand how well instructional programs are meeting the needs of students, whether interventions are improving student outcomes, and where there may be gaps in the curriculum.
Data is grouped by school, providing actionable insights on site-specific opportunities and successes. Paper’s administrative dashboard presents data visualizations that can be shared with stakeholders. Additionally, data about students and curriculum is tracked over time, providing a longitudinal view of key metrics.
Teachers are professionals, they know their craft, they’re well trained. We know that’s not enough for some students. They need Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports — and Paper comes in as a tiered support for students.