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Welcome to Paper's Resource Center!

Discover all the essential tools to assist your students with Paper. Choose your role below to access the relevant resources.



Set your community up for success with Paper...


Build awareness across your school community by sharing marketing resources with teachers, families, and students.


Enable your teachers on Paper's benefits and equip them to support their students with Paper using our training materials. 


Use our best practice implementation checklist to make Paper a part of your teachers' routines.


Marketing Resources

Spread the word! Make sure everyone in your community knows about Paper and Paper's benefits.


Paper Training Resources

Reach out to your dedicated Paper team to discuss additional live training options!

Implement Paper for Long-Term Success


Ensure you have designated school leaders like Principals and/or Assistant Principals involved at each school to support within their respective school communities.


Make sure everyone in your community knows that this free resource is available! Use our marketing materials to spread the word and add Paper to your district/school webpage.


Teachers are the key to students' success with Paper! Set designated time for teachers to introduce Paper to students in the classroom. Have them follow our simple Teacher Launch Guides.


Continue to share the benefits of Paper with your teachers throughout the school year by scheduling training or sharing our easy to use training materials. Teachers can save time with Paper, make sure they know how!