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Paper Blog

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From student to Paper™ tutor: How Paper would have helped me succeed (Clone)

From student to Paper™ tutor: How Paper would have helped me succeed (Clone)

Our tutors believe that all students could benefit from having Paper™ ...

Academic Support
Equity considerations for student-centered learning: An overview (Clone)

Equity considerations for student-centered learning: An overview (Clone)

One thing is certain: If we can’t make education equitable, we need ...

College and career readiness activities for your students (Clone)

College and career readiness activities for your students (Clone)

When a student has the confidence it takes to pursue their dreams, ...

Academic Support

Ebook - K-12 Leadership Guide: 8 Priorities for 2021-2022

Cleveland Lutheran High School Association picks Paper™ (Clone)

Cleveland Lutheran High School Association picks Paper™ (Clone)

The Cleveland Lutheran High School Association (CLHSA) looks forward ...

Paper Updates
Willis Independent School District: A star Paper™ partner in Texas (Clone)

Willis Independent School District: A star Paper™ partner in Texas (Clone)

From third through 12th grade, 6,600 students in Texas’ Willis ...

Paper Updates
What one Paper™ tutor wishes they knew before starting (Clone)

What one Paper™ tutor wishes they knew before starting (Clone)

Have you considered making online tutoring at Paper™ your next career ...

Academic Support
Big Spring School District extends learning with Paper™ (Clone)

Big Spring School District extends learning with Paper™ (Clone)

Pennsylvania’s Big Spring School District is partnering with Paper™ ...

Paper Updates
Pennsylvania district signs on for 5-year partnership with Paper™ (Clone)

Pennsylvania district signs on for 5-year partnership with Paper™ (Clone)

Because of a new partnership with Paper™, 1,250 Ellwood City Area ...

Paper Updates
Texas school district signs on for two-year partnership with Paper™ (Clone)

Texas school district signs on for two-year partnership with Paper™ (Clone)

For the next two years, students in Texas’ Caldwell Independent ...

Paper Updates

Willis Independent School District: A star Paper™ partner in Texas (Clone)

How to incorporate exit tickets—and Paper™—into your classroom routine (Clone)

How to incorporate exit tickets—and Paper™—into your classroom routine (Clone)

Looking for a way to take a temperature check on student progress so ...

Academic Support
Confidence, creativity, and curiosity: 3 skills to practice on Paper™

Confidence, creativity, and curiosity: 3 skills to practice on Paper™

Discover how tutors cultivate confidence, creativity, and curiosity ...

Teacher Wellness
5 questions with Dr. Maria Ortiz of Newark Public Schools (Clone)

5 questions with Dr. Maria Ortiz of Newark Public Schools (Clone)

The first thing you notice when you speak with Dr. Maria Ortiz, the ...

Leadership Voices
Oklahoma’s Mangum Public Schools announces Paper™ partnership (Clone)

Oklahoma’s Mangum Public Schools announces Paper™ partnership (Clone)

Mangum Public Schools in Oklahoma is getting some additional support ...

Paper Updates