First in Oklahoma: Choctaw-Nicoma Park School District taps Paper™
East of Oklahoma City, thousands of learners in the Choctaw-Nicoma Park School District will soon benefit from on-demand academic support provided by Paper™.
The three-year partnership is Paper’s first in the state, and more than 2,300 students in grades six through 12 stand to benefit from the initiative.
District officials championed the move, which they believe will help learners seek support in a way that is conducive to each student’s individual preferences. Dr. JeanAnn Gaona, the district’s deputy superintendent of academic affairs, shared her belief that Paper can help fill a need administrators have observed in their schools surrounding individualized academic support.
“This provides our students with access to immediate assistance—meeting them on their terms, on their time. This is a bridge that we have been unable to build until now.”
— Dr. JeanAnn Gaona, Deputy Superintendent of Academic Affairs, Choctaw-Nicoma Park School District, Oklahoma
This is Paper’s first partnership in Oklahoma, and we’re prepared to support more students from across the state and beyond.
Ready to give your students access to high-quality tutoring and academic support whenever and wherever they need help? Reach out to our team to learn more.