#Suptchat Recap: Surprises and Challenges of 2021-2022
Despite dedicating the summer to crafting a plan for the new school year, once the Fall semester began, educators still had to move swiftly to the surprises and challenges that arose within the first weeks. The Paper team is here to highlight some of our favorite tweets! Hosts Michael Lubelfeld and Nick Polyak asked district leaders across the nation to share what's top of mind for them.
Q1: What brings you the most joy about school being back in session?
Every time the summer transitions to back-to-school season, it's an opportunity for educators to feel reconnected to their communities. This year, this feeling has been amplified exponentially because for so many it's the first time in nearly two years where students, faculty, and admins are able to be in the same physical space.
#suptchat A1: Seeing more of the "normalcy" back in our kids' and families' lives has been uplifting after the last couple of years pic.twitter.com/hf7lGu7NbW
— Todd Dugan (@tdugan75) September 2, 2021
A1: That is easy, it is incredible having students back all day every day and a return tour our sports and activities. We are working hard to keep things that way. #suptchat
— Dan_Cox (@Dan_Cox) September 2, 2021
#suptchat A1: Seeing our staff collaborating and planning together…I especially love the excitement as they prep their classrooms. pic.twitter.com/neUXN61f7f
— Dr. Carol Kelley (@drKforequity) September 2, 2021
Q2: What challenges are you experiencing this year that you did not anticipate?
Students continue to display an inspiring resilience as they return to school, but navigating amendments to health and safety protocols continues to wear down communities, which unfortunately draws the ire of individuals with different beliefs.
A2: I've been most surprised by how well the students have transitioned back to school. We were worried about the start of the year and they have surpassed all of our expectations! #suptchat #leydenpride
— Nick Polyak (@npolyak) September 2, 2021
A2 more opposition to health and safety protocols. Saw it coming, just disappointed.
— Randy Squier (@randysquier) September 2, 2021
A2. We have lived with changing conditions and guidance for 18 months; however, the frequency and quantity of guidance changes released in the first few weeks of the school year after a very quiet summer was not anticipated. #suptchat
— Kathy Hinz (she/her/ella) (@DrKathyHinz) September 2, 2021
A2: Misdirected anger really impacting colleagues more than the past. I'm concerned about the relentless sustained levels of stress people I care deeply about are experiencing. #suptchat
— David M. Mouser (@MowZ13) September 2, 2021
Q3: What colleague have you already leaned on this year - give that person a shout-out!
None of us have made it this far on our own. And we should seize every opportunity to show our support systems, even if they are just a single colleague, the gratitude we'll owe them for a lifetime.
A3: So many. We are lucky to have a great network of supts in IL. For me the Dupage and S. Cook networks, and even some peers in Will have been great to collaborate with and bounce ideas. #suptchat
— Dr. Anthony McConnell (@mcconnellaw) September 2, 2021
Q3: having a network of sister supts has been invaluable in this climate! They are rockstars! #suptchat
— Dr. Kym LeBlanc-Esparza (@leblancesparza) September 2, 2021
A3: I've already relied on our new Superintendent, Jeremy Ledford to become my mentor for the Superintendent Cohort I'm in. #suptchat
— Josh Trosper (@hollersounds) September 2, 2021
Q4: In the first weeks of the school year, what has been an early highlight?
New colleagues, new students, new skills. Those first weeks of the school year have an unmistakable buzz that educators relish.
A4: Kids, kids, kids, and kids! They are the best! A dedicated staff comes in a close second. #suptchat https://t.co/9WvyQwb61F
— Dr. Mike S. Stacy (@beechwoodsup) September 2, 2021
Q4: great professional development here for staff and they appreciate it! #suptchat
— Dr. Kym LeBlanc-Esparza (@leblancesparza) September 2, 2021
A4: We had a lot of new hires this year and seeing the way they have taken off has definitely been a highlight. Feel like we a hit home run with each of them! #suptchat
— Nick Brooks (@NBrooks96) September 2, 2021
Q5: What do you foresee as the largest challenge with the rest of this school year?
The strong start is an encouraging sign, but we're still a long way from the finish line. To finish the marathon, we need to anticipate what peaks and valleys the course ahead holds.
A5. I think the combination of rapid and/or frequent guidance changes in combination with COVID fatigue and the impact that will have on staffing will be the largest challenge for the school year. #suptchat
— Kathy Hinz (she/her/ella) (@DrKathyHinz) September 2, 2021
A5: Staying in session in-person as much as possible and attempting to increase the number of our students back into our buildings safely #suptchat
— Katlin Haney (@HaneyKatlin) September 2, 2021
A5: Covid is the easy answer. However - we value career pathways at our high schools and those has been significantly disrupted during the pandemic. I see a large challenge in getting our momentum and mojo back in helping kids explore career pathways. #suptchat
— Nick Polyak (@npolyak) September 2, 2021
Q6: In what ways are you continuing a silver lining from last year's experiences?
Not everyone would be able to name a silver lining from last year's experience but, ever the optimists, educators had a variety they could name instantly.
A6: A silver lining is that after last year, I think we were able to renew our ability to always remain solution oriented and find ways to get to good outcomes for kids.
— MrJoeMcCauley (@CauleyMr) September 2, 2021
We're just grateful to be in space with kids and dial into their learning. #suptchat
A6: Last year, we created Extended Learning Opportunities for kids who didn't successfully complete a course on time. They were very successful in helping kids show their proficiency and earn credits. We are definitely continuing that practice moving forward! #suptchat
— Nick Polyak (@npolyak) September 2, 2021
#suptchat A6: One of the silver linings from the past 18 months is our district's ability to change gears rapidly in order to meet the needs of our students. What would have taken years to accomplish can now happen much more rapidly, allowing #BHill8 to improve continuously pic.twitter.com/eqZI3cXf0c
— Todd Dugan (@tdugan75) September 2, 2021
Q7: How would you describe how you are measuring or addressing the social and emotional learning of students and staff?
Social and emotional learning, at first glance, seems like it would not be able to be quantified and measured. But educators have ideas in place to make sure this approach is effective.
A7: ask them; often. Our leadership team is committed to increasing our wellness/wellbeing resources for families and employees. Implementing even deeper our restorative practices #suptchat
— Randy Squier (@randysquier) September 2, 2021
A7: Building rapport and relationships. Students truly open up and give you a pulse of where they are when you relate and show you genuinely care about them. #suptchat #MCSunited
— Katlin Haney (@HaneyKatlin) September 2, 2021
A7 making empathy interviews a part of the temperature check of individuals and the community is key — making sure everyone has someone who checks in as often as needed - every day — and even more often if needed #suptchat
— pammoran (@pammoran) September 2, 2021
Q8: When we look back at the end of the 2021-2022 school year, what will have made this a successful year?
With so much of administrator's focus on providing compassionate solutions for students, teachers, and families, they must not lose sight of extending that same compassion to themselves. There are so many ways to declare the 2021-2022 a success, but doing so through a compassionate lens will serve admins the best.
A8: I think the fact that we began the school year with children already makes it a success. There is no manual for a global pandemic. We are doing our best and need to give ourselves some grace. I go back to what I said earlier...simple pleasures. #suptchat
— Jennifer Bova (@jennifer_bova) September 2, 2021
A8: All things considered, I think 21-22 will be a success if kids feel connected to their schools. I want them to find their identities and make the memories that make high school so special! That would be success. #suptchat
— Nick Polyak (@npolyak) September 2, 2021
A8: a successful year will have our students and family safe, healthy, and thriving holistically!! Their minds, bodies, and souls will be ok. When the children are fine then we have won!!! #suptchat
— Sandra Rodriguez-Gomez (@SRodQueen) September 2, 2021
We'll see you all back in October!
Mark you calendars for the next #suptchat on October 6, 2021 @npolyak pic.twitter.com/77whub4L1a
— Michael Lubelfeld (@mikelubelfeld) September 2, 2021
Thanks for joining us on #suptchat this month! Upcoming #suptchat dates: October 6, November 3, December 1
— Nick Polyak (@npolyak) September 2, 2021