Westminster Public Schools partners with Paper to accelerate learning
Paper welcomes Westminster Public Schools as a new partner.
This partnership offers equitable access to academic support to over 2,000 students in grades 9-12—at no cost to families.
“We are thrilled to partner with Paper to extend personalized learning within and beyond the classroom walls,” said Dr. Oliver Grenham, Chief Education Officer for the district. “This innovative partnership will support our students in regaining the lost learning opportunities caused by the ongoing pandemic, and it will accelerate their acquisition of required competency standards that will ultimately lead to success in their chosen career pathway.”
Whether students are stuck on homework, studying for a test, or need someone to make suggestions for their essays, experts are available day and night to assist them in any subject via a secure, chat-based platform, both inside and outside of the classroom.
“Paper is proving to be an invaluable resource to assist students in their learning and skill development,” said Kiffany Kiewiet, the principal of Westminster High School. “All of our students that have utilized this resource have found it to be extremely helpful and easy to use. Our teachers are amazed at how much time they have saved by allowing the Paper tutors to give their students feedback on essays and presentations!”
With full visibility into student activity, teachers can track progress, identify learning gaps and personalize their instruction without feeling pressure to be on call 24/7 for their students. With tutors providing an extra set of eyes on every first draft, teachers also receive higher-quality submissions that cut down their grading time.
“I'm majorly nerding out with this program,” said Hope Morgan, a literacy teacher at Westminster High School. “I had my IB students upload their essays in first period today, and everyone had feedback by the end of the school day. I was looking through the feedback, and it's legit so good (like exactly the type of feedback I'd be looking to give). It's positive and constructive and thorough. We got feedback on over 30 essays in hours when it would have taken me an entire weekend, minimum, to get through them!”