How tutoring helps build skills for lifelong learning
In this guest post, Paper™ tutor Victoria explains how tutors are a big asset to the educational system because they act as a support system for teachers, caregivers, and students.
The reality of teaching is that as much as teachers wish they could be there for every student to assist with all their questions, it isn’t possible. There’s only one teacher and hundreds of students they’re responsible for every year.
On the other hand, parents have the responsibilities of taking care of the household, working, caring for family members, and so forth. And for some parents, the subjects or topics their student needs guidance on are things they haven’t seen in years—so they may not be able to help. These situations can leave students feeling powerless.
This is where tutors come in!
How tutors can lend a hand
Our job as tutors goes beyond assisting with content knowledge. We also help students increase academic performance by filling in any knowledge gaps, passing on better study skills, and assisting with skills such as time management.
Tutors give the power back to students so they can take charge of their own learning—all while giving teachers time to focus on their lesson planning and allowing parents to take comfort in knowing their student is supported academically.
Next, I'll go into more detail about just how valuable high-quality tutors can be.
Filling in gaps and increasing academic performance
At the most foundational level, tutors are meant to provide additional support for students so they can increase their academic performance. Although we may not be able to teach a student a new concept, we can provide guidance based on the student’s background knowledge. Building off these concepts with students allows them to strengthen what they know and make connections to newer concepts. Students can take these skills with them so when they see a similar question, they can think back to the “what do I know, and what do I need to find out?” mindset.
Learning tailored to the student
Every time a student starts a session, they’re instantly connected with a tutor who can assist with their question and take a personalized approach. As tutors and sometimes students ourselves, we realize that not everyone learns in the same way. By taking an individualized approach, tutors ensure that students are not simply learning, but learning in the best way possible.
When students are in the classroom with peers and their teacher, there can be a hesitation to engage due to a fear of embarrassment over getting a question wrong or looking silly in front of classmates.
With Paper, students are in an environment where there’s no judgment and they can make mistakes without fear. The goal is for the student to better understand what the content is rather than just focusing on how to get the answer. After each session where that lightbulb moment happens, students gain confidence and realize they’re capable of accomplishing their goals.
Unlimited tutoring
Some students only have a half-hour before dinner, in between practice, or right before bed to log in to Paper, whereas others may have longer to spare. Having access to Paper 24/7 allows students to get help whenever they need it for as long as they need it. Having this kind of access not only reassures the student that they can get help whenever they need it, but it can also decrease their stress and help build the confidence required for academic success.
Strengthening study skills
When a student starts a session with a tutor, they’re never going to just be handed the answer. Instead, the student and tutor work together to find it. This allows students to take charge of their own learning and form better study habits. Tutors help create better problem-solvers and critical thinkers so that when students approach a question on their own, they’re able to use these skills to work through it.
Although we do want our students to succeed in their courses, learners are more than just their grades. We, as tutors, want to move students forward in their journeys toward becoming lifelong learners, critical thinkers, and problem-solvers. In this way, tutors act as a support for teachers, parents, and students alike—benefiting the education system as a whole.

Victoria, Paper Tutor
Paper supports students and educators in school districts by providing unlimited, 24/7, and multilingual Live Help and Review Center support.
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